The Role of Criminal Law in Combating Corporate Crime that Harms the Public Interest.
BOGOR, | BIN.NET - Corporate crime has become a significant challenge for modern legal systems due to its far-reaching impact on the public interest.
This article explores the role of criminal law in addressing corporate crimes that harm society, focusing on the effectiveness of legal frameworks in deterring unlawful corporate practices.
The research identifies key elements of criminal law that are essential in prosecuting corporate crime, such as corporate liability, accountability, and the role of regulators in ensuring compliance.
It emphasizes the importance of a strong legal framework that not only punishes wrongdoing but also encourages preventive measures within corporate governance.
By analyzing case studies of corporate crimes that affected public health, the environment, and financial stability, the paper assesses the current state of corporate crime legislation and proposes improvements to enhance the law's ability to protect public interests.
Furthermore, the article discusses the need for international cooperation in tackling transnational corporate crimes, where national legal systems often face limitations.
The research concludes by suggesting that an integrated approach, combining criminal law enforcement with proactive regulatory policies, is crucial for achieving greater corporate accountability and safeguarding the public interest.
Andre Yosua M
College of Police Science
Sandy Hardianto
Universitas Djuanda Bogor
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